- 產(chǎn)品描述
4-Acetamidophenol | Estrone-3-sulfate | Oxolinic acid |
Acetophenetidin | Ethyl-p-aminobenzoate | Oxycodone |
N-Acetylprocainamide | Fenfluramine | Oxymetazoline |
Acetylsalicylic acid | Fenoprofen | Papaverine |
Aminopyrine | Furosemide | Penicillin-G |
Amitryptyline | Gentisic acid | Pentazocine |
Amobarbital | Hemoglobin | Pentobarbital |
Amoxicillin | Hydralazine | Perphenazine |
Ampicillin | Hydrochlorothiazide | Phencyclidine |
Ascorbic acid | Hydrocodone | Phenelzine |
Apomorphine | Hydrocortisone | Phenobarbital |
Aspartame | p-Hydroxyamphetamine | l-Phenylephrine |
Atropine | O-Hydroxyhippuric acid | b-Phenylethlamine |
Benzilic acid | p-Hydroxy-methamphetamine | Phenylpropanolamine |
Benzoic acid | Prednisolone | |
Benzoylecgonine | 3-Hydroxytyramine | Prednisone |
Benzphetamine | Ibuprofen | Procaine |
Bilirubin | Imipramine | Promazine |
Brompheniramine | (-) Isoproterenol | Promethazine |
Caffeine | Isoxsuprine | d,l-Propanolol |
Cannabidiol | Ketamine | d-Propoxyphene |
Cannabinol | Ketoprofen | d-Pseudoephedrine |
Chloralhydrate | Labetalol | Quinidine |
Chloramphenicol | Levorphanol | Quinine |
Chlordiazepoxide | Loperamide | Ranitidine |
Chlorothiazide | Maprotiline | Salicylic acid |
(±) Chlorpheniramine | Meperidine | Secobarbital |
Chlorpromazine | Meprobamate | Serotonin (5-Hydroxytyramine) |
Chlorquine | Methadone | |
Cholesterol | d-methamphetamine | Sulfamethazine |
Clomipramine | (l)-methamphetamine | Sulindac |
Clonidine | Methoxyphenamine | Temazepam |
Cocaine hydrochloride | 3,4-Methylenedioxyethyl-amphetamine | Tetracycline |
Codeine | Tetrahydrocortisone, 3 Acetate | |
Cortisone | (+) 3,4-Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine | |
(-) Cotinine | Tetrahydrocortisone 3 (b-D glucuronide) | |
Creatinine | Methylphenidate | |
Deoxycorticosterone | Morphine-3-b-D-glucuronide | Tetrahydrozoline |
Dextromethorphan | Thebaine | |
Diazepam | Nalidixic acid | Thiamine |
Diclofenac | Naloxone | Thioridazine |
Diflunisal | Naltrexone | Tolbutamine |
Digoxin | Naproxen | Triamterene |
Diphenhydramine | Niacinamide | Trifluoperazine |
Doxylamine | Nifedipine | Trimethoprim |
Ecgonine hydrochloride | Norcodein | Trimipramine |
Ecgonine methylester | Norethindrone | d,l-Tryptophan |
(IR,2S)-(-)-Ephedrine | d-Norpropoxyphene | Tyramine |
l-Ephedrine | Noscapine | d,l-Tyrosine |
(-) Y Ephedrine | d,l-Octopamine | Uric acid |
Erythromycin | Oxalic acid | Verapamil |
b-Estradiol | Oxazepam | Zomepirac |
mob: 楊 :
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【 市場部 】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】
【公司地址】 廣州市清華科技園健新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)健啟路63號(hào)二期2幢101-103室
Intracapsular bradyzoites are the main form of chronic infection, and the cysts are enlarged due to the proliferation of the bradyzoites, which results in impaired function. As the cysts increase to a certain degree, they can rupture due to various factors. The free parasites can stimulate the body to produce delayed responses and form granulomatous lesions, and late fibrotic calcifications are more common in the brain and eyes. After the host is infected with Toxoplasma gondii, under normal circumstances, can produce effective protective immunity, most no obvious symptoms, when the host has an immune deficiency or low immune function caused by toxoplasmosis, even in the recessive infection, it can lead to relapse Or death-producing disseminated infections; In recent years, it has been reported that AIDS patients died of Toxoplasma encephalitis. There are two categories of congenital and acquired toxoplasmosis in clinical classification. Congenital toxoplasmosis occurs only in women in the first trimester and is transmitted through the placental bloodstream. Most infected fetuses or infants present with hidden infections, some appearing months or even years after birth; they may also cause miscarriage, premature birth, teratogenic or stillbirth, especially in early pregnancy, with a high incidence of teratogenicity. . According to research, the mortality rate of infants with symptoms or malformations at birth is 12%, while 80% of the infants have mental development disorders and 50% have visual impairments. The main symptoms of congenital toxoplasmosis are hydrocephalus, brain calcifications, retinal choroiditis, and mental and motor disorders. In addition, it can be accompanied by systemic manifestations, including fever, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, myocarditis, and epilepsy in the neonatal period. Fusion pneumonia is a common cause of death. Acquired toxoplasmosis presents different clinical manifestations due to the site of attack and body reactivity. Therefore, no specific symptoms must be identified with the relevant diseases. The majority of patients have a certain relationship with occupation, lifestyle, and eating habits. Lymph node enlargement is the most common clinical form of acquired toxoplasmosis and is most commonly found in submandibular and cervical lymph nodes. Secondly, Toxoplasma gondii often afflicts the brain and eyes, causing abnormal central nervous system. In immunocompromised persons, it often manifests as encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, epilepsy and mental disorders. The main features of Toxoplasma gondii eye disease are retinal choroiditis, which is commonly seen in adults. Visual impairment occurs in infants, infants and young children can be seen with eye scratching, unresponsive to external things, strabismus, iridocyclitis, and uveitis. Bilateral lesions are common and visual disturbances often involve systemic reactions or multiple lesions.